Changes to Conversatio Morum

Over the past two years I’ve been blogging here at Conversatio Morum.  During that time I’ve learned some lessons, and hopefully grown as a writer and blogger. Hopefully what has been written here has been helpful thus far. No, don’t worry, I’m not going to stop blogging. One of the lessons I’ve learned more recently is that, if nothing else, blogging has been helpful for me in tracking my thoughts and where I’m going. As I look back over the past two years of posts, there are a ton of things that keep showing back up and some new things that come up. I can see what I’m interested in and where I’m growing over time as it’s reflected in my writing.

With all that said, I’ve decided that in January (new year) I’m going to relaunch this blog. There are going to be some changes to Conversatio Morum. This started with a redesign, then as I reviewed my posts I realized that I needed to refine the subject matter a bit. So, that’ s where I’m at.

I’m keeping the web address, all the old posts will be there, still debating about dropping Conversatio Morum as the title and going to simply across the board. There will be some new things. Some of those are:

  • More writing on leadership. I’ve noticed that over time I’ve written, and learned, more about this subject. I have more to say on it, so I’m adding it to the Categories of posts I do.
  • I’m changing the name of a category. Missiology will be changed to Culture. I think this will help with clarity for you the reader.
  • A new design. (Been working on this and I’m excited)
  • Better email alerts RSS systems. I’m going to start using Mail Chimp\Feedburner and other services. This will make my life a bit easier is all.
  • Other ways to add more value. I’m going to start looking for other ways to add value to you as my reader. The first of these will be a contest to give away 10 copies of John Dyer’s book From the Garden to the City. It’s, in my opinion, one of the best works on helping humans in general, and Christians in particular, think through technology and it’s role. You should read his blog if you get a chance. It’s excellent.

Most other things will stay the same. I’m still mostly writing on the same things, apart from adding another subject. I’ll always write a bit on technology as I’m a bit of a techno-head. Hence the book I’ll be giving away. If you have any other ideas for changes I should make when relaunching (something you’d like to see or a change I should make) then please let me know in the comments.

