That’s right folks, Happy Halloween. In light of that fact, if you haven’t found a costume yet, I have a great one for you…80’s Hair Band Rocker!! Oh the fabulous awesome of that! You would be certain to be the Mane Event. We’re dedicating this Throwback Thursday to 80’s Hair Bands. Ah the perfect mix of metal, leather, makeup, and neon…then add WWAAAYYYY too much hair. [Tweet That] the perfect combo to Rock You Like A Hurricane. It’s almost as if Elton John and all of Metallica were to have a baby together. 80’s hair bands would be the product. Continue reading “80’s Mane Event”
Code For The Kingdom Review
I’m interrupting my regularly scheduled posts to talk about an event that happened this weekend. Leadership Network hosted their second Hackathon in Austin, Texas. I was privileged to attend. It was an excellently planned event in which innovators, programmers, designers, ideators, and leaders of all kinds converged to write code that matters for the Kingdom. Continue reading “Code For The Kingdom Review”
I Am Titanium

Got a gift from work today. Titanium Spork and Monkey Sticker!! Spork…Monkey…’nuff said. #thinkgeek #snowpeak #chillidogsbeware
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Inbox 0 – Part 3
We’re doing a series on Conversatio Morum about making email productive and getting to inbox 0. You can read more about those concepts here. You can see every post in the series here. Last week we got to Inbox 0. Continue reading “Inbox 0 – Part 3”
My Office

My office tonight. Adventageous for causing deep thoughts. #lovethepeacethisbrings #oldschoolrocking
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Fall nights

Prayer this morning. Garage sale today. Dinner with friends and sitting around the fire and s’mores tonight #goodday #coolweather #lovemyneighbors #jesusmakeseverythingbetter
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Inbox 0 – Part 2
At Conversatio Morum, we’re posting a series on making email productive and getting to inbox 0. You can read more about those concepts here. You can see every post in the series here. So today we’re going to be starting on getting to Inbox 0. In my previous post I mentioned that my current email system is “way too complicated” and that it’s “seriously ridiculous”. I wasn’t lying. I don’t know what I was thinking in the original setup, but I’m sure it made sense at the time. To prove the ridiculousness, here’s a breakdown: Continue reading “Inbox 0 – Part 2”
ALF – Cute, Cuddly, Deadly
It’s Throwback Thursday here on Conversatio Morum and I’ve been thinking a lot about ALF lately. I mean, who wouldn’t? Everyone loves your plain ‘ole, run of the mill, cat murdering, extraterrestrial. Don’t they? Ah ALF…such a special show. Like ET, but better. Like Alien, but cuter, softer, furrier. Like predator, but only predatoring on cats. Continue reading “ALF – Cute, Cuddly, Deadly”
Inbox 0 – Part 1
Last week at Conversatio Morum we reviewed an app for your iPhone called Mailbox. You can read about it here. Part of what makes Mailbox such a great email app is that it’s informed by the concept of Inbox 0. If you’ve never heard this before, inbox 0 is the concept that your inbox catches things. Some things are actionable, some things aren’t. You delete or archive for reference the non actionable things. Actionable things are done , delegated, or deferred. In the process of getting things to done, delegated, deferred, deleted or archived for reference you remove those things from your inbox. Theoretically, if at the end of the day you’ve gotten through all the tasks you need to you’ll be at inbox 0. There’s actually an entire book on this you should read called Getting Things Done by David Allen. Here’s a flowchart from the book to help explain the Inbox 0 concept for you: Continue reading “Inbox 0 – Part 1”
Mozarts: Austin

Having afternoon coffee with @jessica #anniversary #niceafternoon #fellweatherintexas
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