Free TV

Remember when TV was free? No, not like it is now, where you can use Hulu (besides, you need to pay for Hulu plus). No that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about when it was free over the air to the tinfoil enhanced antenna that you had connected to big box that took up actual space in your living room. Continue reading “Free TV”


Ah yes, Lite-Brites. Those were fun weren’t they? Heck yes they were! I mean, paying $30 for what essentially equates to a giant flashlight covered by peg board and black construction paper, who doesn’t think that’s fun? Well, at least when we were kids they were awesome. They were incredible. A whole world of possibilities Continue reading “Lite-Brites”

Asking vs Guessing

Are you from an ask or a guess culture? You may be unfamiliar with these concepts. If you’re like me, you’re already putting the pieces together of what ask culture and guess culture are. I’ll give you a short explanation and for further clarity, you can read about these concepts at 99u, The Guardian, or the original concept at These articles came across my desk this week and I had a need to share them. For me, it explained some otherwise nuanced things in my relationships with others. I think it will also explain some relational pain points to you in regards to asking vs guessing cultures. Continue reading “Asking vs Guessing”


Ah Yes, Afros. You remember those? Some of you may still have one, or you may have that friend who doesn’t realize that it’s not as stylish as any movie made in the 70’s would tell you. If you don’t have that friend, you may be that friend. Quick, check your head for a giant poof of hair!! No? Don’t have an Afro? Whew <sigh> that was a close one. So…about those Afros. Continue reading “Afros”

Finishing Revamp

Hi.  I’m sorry to inform you that I’m still finishing the revamp. I’m almost done. Thanks so much for being patient and hanging in there. New content to be displayed beginning Monday. Thanks so much for your patience. Hang in there!!