Productive Interrupt – Tutorial

A few weeks ago I posted on efficiency being part of our mission. This is a critical part of our mission.  I also thought i’d share some tutorials on how to be efficient.  The first one is from the featured image from that post. The image is a pop-up that my windows laptop gives me everyday on the hour.  It’s interruptive to my work, and that’s by design.  It forces me to stop for a second and think about what I’m doing, decide if I need help or need to change what I’m working on at the moment.  Ok, so here’s how you can set up something similar:

  1. First, open your start menu\control panel\administrative tools\task scheduler
  2. Choose “Create Task” from the right column of the wind
  3. Insert the Name of the pop-up, location is \, and description is the message you want in the pop-up

4. Select “Triggers” tab, edit trigger, adjust task schedule, select ok

5. Select “Actions” tab, edit action, select display a message, add title for name of pop-up, and add to message a matching description to be displayed.

6. Select OK and let the message pop-up on your preferred schedule.




7. Enjoy your increase in productivity!!