Songs that speak

Originally Posted: Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Mood: lyrical
Now Reading: Victory Over Darkness
Topic: The Romance of God

Currently Playing
The End Is Here
By Five Iron Frenzy
see related

As an old friend and I were talking about following Jesus this song came across my mind. You have to understand that God speaks to me a lot through Five Iron Frenzy. He has used them many times in my life. So here is a song that I think can describe how we all feel at times about life in the church and with God.(If you’re a guy ignore the girl part and say a guy.) Continue reading “Songs that speak”

Steve Jobs:Multiplied X 4


At Conversatio Morum, we look at a lot of things, a little different. The reason for this is that we’re always tying technology to missiology. How does technology and what you’re doing with it affect your mission? How does your theology allow you to use your technology to better fulfill your mission? With that in mind, just like everyone else, there needs to be at least one post about Steve Jobs recent passing. So this is it. There may be more, there may not be, but at least there’s this one.

Continue reading “Steve Jobs:Multiplied X 4”