At Conversatio Morum we’ve been doing a series on the Multi-Site model of church. Since we’re dedicated to Theology, Technology, and Missiology, we’re spending the last two posts on the Technological side of things. The last post dealt with the practicals of thinking through technology and viewing it as an investment. You can read that here. This is the final post in the Multi-Site Church series and I want to take some time to deal with the final piece, consistency. Continue reading “Multi-Site Church: Be Technologically Consistent”
Multi-Site Church: Tech of Multi-Site
We’ve been doing a series of posts on the Multi-Site model of church’s here at Conversatio Morum. Since we are dedicated to Technology, Theology, Missiology and we’ve talked extensively about Multi-Site from a theological and missiological standpoint, we’ll talk from a technological standpoint in this point. I stated previously here that you shouldn’t go multi-site unless you’re ready to both A) significantly invest in and B) significantly think about technology. The reason for this is the same across any organization. Growth, introduces “problems”. Throwing technology “solutions” at problems without any forethought to the actual cause will never fix the “problem”. Continue reading “Multi-Site Church: Tech of Multi-Site”
Get Action from Email
Due to the subject at Conversatio Morum people can misconstrue this as simply a tech blog. However, that’s not the case. We want to be a resource to help leverage technology to help you succeed at your mission. With that in mind, we want to help you increase efficiency and communication in your organization. Considering one of the most time-wasting, inefficient ways to communicate organizationally is email, we want to address that a bit now and give you some pointers on writing emails that get a response. Continue reading “Get Action from Email”
Facetime Lies – Part 3
I was at Taco Cabana sitting across the table from a friend of mine a while back and during our conversation and meal he posed a question that shocked me a bit. It went like this, “I mean we’re not gonna need our bodies in heaven, right?” I wouldn’t have been shocked had it been someone who wasn’t raised around the church and had simply caught onto some odd cultural view of heaven, but this was someone who was raised around the church and grew up learning about the bible. OK, so what does this have to do with FaceTime? You ask. Well, I’ll go into that a bit further down, Continue reading “Facetime Lies – Part 3”
Church Web Strategy – Part 5
OK, so this is the final installment in our Church Web Strategy Series for now. Obviously, with the fast paced advancement of technology, in a year of two this will need to be appended but these 5 posts are intended to be a good primer to get you started. If you’d like to view them all together you can do that here. These are some lessons we’ve learned regarding using social media over the last few years. Continue reading “Church Web Strategy – Part 5”
Church Web Strategy – Part 4
This is the 4th post on Church Web Strategy here at Conversatio Morum. When it comes to Missiology, technology (specifically web technology) is one of your biggest assets. If you aren’t sure where to start you can read the previous 3 posts here, here, and here.
This post is dedicated to social media. Social Media is a great way to increase traffic to your site and to increase your page rank. This can also increase visibility of your church through means apart from your web site. The four we are going to examine today are Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouVersion. Continue reading “Church Web Strategy – Part 4”
Church Web Strategy – Part 3
This is the third in a series of posts on church web strategy. You can find the previous posts here and here. You will also want to check out the guest post by Bryan Logan here. This post is dedicated more to the actual implementation and less to the why behind the implementation.
There are tons of options for how to set up a church site out there. At the church where i’m on staff, we have Continue reading “Church Web Strategy – Part 3”
Church Mobile App
It’s time for a guest post!! Here’s one from Bryan Logan. Bryan Logan is a husband, father, and computer programmer. In his free time, he innovates. These innovations may materialize as activities with the kids, new/easier/better ways of doing things, smart phone apps, or just funny blog posts. You can check out the blog he writes with his wife at or follow him on Twitter @BryanMarkLogan.
Josh has previously talked about the need for a church web strategy here, and here. If you don’t have one, then you’re already behind the times and you need to get one today. But what if you’re saying to yourself, “I already have a website. How can I get ahead of that?” Great question. Mobile phones are becoming more popular than computers. If your website isn’t mobile-compatible, it should be. Pare it down a bit to the essentials (location, worship time, events, etc) and have the option to go to the full site.
If you’re thinking, “Hey, that’s great. But what if I want to a step further than a mobile website?” Well, the answer is, “Make an app.” Continue reading “Church Mobile App”
Church Web Strategy – Part 2
This is our next post on web strategy at Conversatio Morum. The main thing I want to conquer today is that you don’t start with the web. Look at your church’s overall communication strategy. If it’s like that of Paper City Church then you may want to adjust it. 🙂 However, the goal of your website should always be Continue reading “Church Web Strategy – Part 2”
Church Web Strategy – Part 1
At Conversatio Morum, our goal is to help empower the church to better utilize technology for it’s mission. When talking about technology and reaching people, I would argue that the primary vehicle for doing so is developing an online pressence.
To give you a better perspective, here are some statistics that I pulled together: