Church Web Strategy – Part 4

This is the 4th post on Church Web Strategy here at Conversatio Morum. When it comes to Missiology, technology (specifically web technology) is one of your biggest assets. If you aren’t sure where to start you can read the previous 3 posts here, here, and here.

This post is dedicated to social media. Social Media is a great way to increase traffic to your site and to increase your page rank. This can also increase visibility of your church through means apart from your web site. The four we are going to examine today are Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouVersion. Continue reading “Church Web Strategy – Part 4”

Church Web Strategy – Part 3

This is the third in a series of posts on church web strategy. You can find the previous posts here and here. You will also want to check out the guest post by Bryan Logan here. This post is dedicated more to the actual implementation and less to the why behind the implementation.

There are tons of options for how to set up a church site out there. At the church where i’m on staff, we have Continue reading “Church Web Strategy – Part 3”

Church Mobile App

It’s time for a guest post!! Here’s one from Bryan Logan. Bryan Logan is a husband, father, and computer programmer.  In his free time, he innovates.  These innovations may materialize as  activities with the kids, new/easier/better ways of doing things,  smart phone apps, or just funny blog posts. You can check out the blog he writes with his wife at or follow him on Twitter @BryanMarkLogan.

Josh has previously talked about the need for a church web strategy here, and here.  If you don’t have one, then you’re already behind the times and you need to get one today.  But what if you’re saying to yourself, “I already have a website. How can I get ahead of that?”  Great question. Mobile phones are becoming more popular than computers. If your website isn’t mobile-compatible, it should be. Pare it down a bit to the essentials (location, worship time, events, etc) and have the option to go to the full site.
If you’re thinking, “Hey, that’s great. But what if I want to a step further than a mobile website?” Well, the answer is, “Make an app.” Continue reading “Church Mobile App”

Productive Interrupt – Tutorial

A few weeks ago I posted on efficiency being part of our mission. This is a critical part of our mission.  I also thought i’d share some tutorials on how to be efficient.  The first one is from the featured image from that post. The image is a pop-up that my windows laptop gives me everyday on the hour.  It’s interruptive to my work, and that’s by design.  Continue reading “Productive Interrupt – Tutorial”

State of the Word

Thought i’d share this. This is a great example of how to use visual’s to help, rather than detract from, a presentation. For more information on visual’s and presentation, two great resources are Slide:ology and Resonate. Both are written by Nancy Duarte and can be found here. Anyway, enjoy!

[wpvideo M1HXqjrf]

Steve Jobs:Multiplied X 4


At Conversatio Morum, we look at a lot of things, a little different. The reason for this is that we’re always tying technology to missiology. How does technology and what you’re doing with it affect your mission? How does your theology allow you to use your technology to better fulfill your mission? With that in mind, just like everyone else, there needs to be at least one post about Steve Jobs recent passing. So this is it. There may be more, there may not be, but at least there’s this one.

Continue reading “Steve Jobs:Multiplied X 4”

Facetime Lies 2

A few weeks ago I had a posted about Facebook, FaceTime, social networking and how it has the proclivity to trick us into thinking that we are maintaining actual relationships well, and starting new relationships well.  Ignoring the irony behind the fact that you are reading this on a blog post that was both Tweeted AND posted in Facebook, the problem is Continue reading “Facetime Lies 2”