CRM – Why Not?

At Conversatio Morum, we like to rethink technology for the church. Our goal is to tie Theology to Culture through the use of Technology. With that being said, we’re currently in the middle of talking about utilizing Client Relationship Management (CRM) systems as Church Relationship Management systems. We’ve previously intro’d, talked about the purpose of doing so, and talked about different types of CRM’s here, here, and here.

Today, we are going to talk about reasons why you might NOT want to use a CRM system. Continue reading “CRM – Why Not?”

Things I Didn’t Expect To Hear

Originally Posted: Thursday, July 21, 2005
Currently Reading
The Genesee Diary
By Henri Nouwen
see related

Things that I didn´t expect to hear in Mexico:

1.the Nooma Nooma song (It`s weird hearing a song like this, that was written 10 years ago in Europe, is popular in Texas, on a radio in the middle of Mexico.)
2.Eye of the Tiger
3.Any other American song that I have heard.

CRM – Choosing Right CRM Technology For Your Church

As stated in previous posts on Conversatio Morum, we are dedicated to retooling the church by making the tie from Theology to Culture through the use of Technology. With that being said, we’re currently in the middle of talking about retooling Client Relationship Management (CRM) systems as Church Relationship Management systems. We’ve previously intro’d and talked about the purpose of doing so here and here. Continue reading “CRM – Choosing Right CRM Technology For Your Church”

God is Emotional

Originally Posted: Saturday, July 16, 2005

Currently Reading
The Genesee Diary
see related

I learned something the other day that I was hoping to learn while here.  I was meditating on what God was doing in my life.  Through loneliness and through hurting people I was in a way experiencing what God feels for the people here.  He wants them to know Him and is hurt by the atmosphere that cares nothing for the poor and orphaned. Continue reading “God is Emotional”

CRM – Purpose of CRM in Church

Since Conversatio Morum is dedicated to Technology, Theology and Missiology we are taking time to talk about Church Relationship Management in Church (CRM in church) systems. When dealing with new visitors the most effective point of retention (i.e. having them come a second/third time and getting them to stay long-term), is follow-up. One of the biggest questions I find myself asking is “How do we get better at not letting visitors slip through the cracks?” “How do I make involvement in the life of a church easier?” Continue reading “CRM – Purpose of CRM in Church”

CRM – Church Relationship Management?

At the beginning of the year the staff of the church I serve in sat down and began to develop a strategy for the next 12 – 18 months. This has caused some extra work on my end, due to my ability with systems and structures. One of the main things that we put on our priority list is tackling how to get people involved beyond their first visit. We’ve definitely improved on our ability to get people into the front door. However, we need to adjust our follow-up and involvement processes. Continue reading “CRM – Church Relationship Management?”

Mexico and Liberal Theologians

Well, here I am again.  Two days in a row of being on the internet.  Wow!!!  That is amazing.  Now that I have a little more time, I must update everyone.  I got here on Friday night and the city is beautiful.  The house that I am staying in is in the historic part of the city.  In the center.  I am right across the street from a Baskin Robins!!!  I know, weird right?  My family has a mom, dad, grandma, son and the cousin of the son is here right now.  The family and my brother´s (the families really adopt you here) friends are nice.  On Saturday morning I was spending time with God, listening to a prophetic song and I saw a crucifix with Jesus on it that is over the door.  Continue reading “Mexico and Liberal Theologians”

How Quickly We Forget

When thinking through media, culture, technology and theology, it’s helpful to watch music awards shows on TV. There’s an observation I’ve made over the past several years regarding this. It’s interesting to me how quickly we forget what people have done and not changed from. It’s also interesting to me who we forgive and who we don’t. The specific example I have is Chris Brown…I know, I know, easy target. Right?!?! Well, it’s just a highlight and I’m not planning on attacking Chris Brown. I hope he changes. I’m more talking about our culture, how quickly we forget and how easily accountability of actions falls off the radar. This ability is a glowing misunderstanding of masculinity. Continue reading “How Quickly We Forget”