Inspect what you Expect

The past few posts have been about the reality that at any given point in your organization there are 3-5 big questions that you need to have fast answers for and be able to make decisions against those answers. The other part of that is enabling the people around you, specifically those who report to you, to make decisions that align with you. You want them to know your Continue reading “Inspect what you Expect”

Leading With Questions – At Home

We’ve been talking about leading with questions in several contexts of the last several posts. You can read about those here, here, and here. This time let’s talk about how to do that in the home. If you’re like me (which means you’re a crazy oddball who is only about 10% of the population), then I’m sorry that you get frustrated so easily. Also, in that context, leading this way allows room for you to grow in patience, since you probably won’t like most of the answers to the questions that you ask. I’ll come back to that.

Let me start with the big idea. Here it is…DO. NOT. Continue reading “Leading With Questions – At Home”

Leading with Questions – In Work

We’ve been talking about leading with questions. You can read the first two posts here and here. Today we’re going to talk about what this looks like in a work setting. I work in an organization that has a great culture towards professional coaching. This isn’t just something that we say, it’s implemented on a ground level. The best example I have to give you a picture of this is Continue reading “Leading with Questions – In Work”

Installing Google Chrome App Launcher

1. Google Chrome Launcher is tool that will allow you to open Chrome apps like Flowdock from your taskbar. (Think start menu for google apps)

a. It may install when you install Chrome

b. If it doesn’t

c. Open Chrome

d. Sign On from the Control Menu in Chrome

Sign On Control Menu

e. If you weren’t asked and it still isn’t installed, go

f. If App Launcher isn’t an option from there, then go to StartAll Programs Google Chrome

g. Right click App Launcher from there and select pin to taskbar

h. If you still aren’t able to find it go to

i. It should install and allow you to pin it to the taskbar