
Ah Yes, Afros. You remember those? Some of you may still have one, or you may have that friend who doesn’t realize that it’s not as stylish as any movie made in the 70’s would tell you. If you don’t have that friend, you may be that friend. Quick, check your head for a giant poof of hair!! No? Don’t have an Afro? Whew <sigh> that was a close one. So…about those Afros. Continue reading “Afros”

Finishing Revamp

Hi.  I’m sorry to inform you that I’m still finishing the revamp. I’m almost done. Thanks so much for being patient and hanging in there. New content to be displayed beginning Monday. Thanks so much for your patience. Hang in there!!

Top 10 Posts of 2013

Last Post of the year here folks. I thought I’d round the year off with the top 10 posts.

Here they are, for your reading pleasure:

  1. Homosexuality, Church, and Jesus
  2. Catalyst Dallas: John Maxwell – Lessons from a lifetime of leading
  3. We’re Not All Crazy
  4. Multi-Site Church: Economies Of Scale
  5. Light Up Sneakers – Better Than A Flashlight
  6. How Quickly We Forget
  7. Multi-Site Church: Be Technologically Consistent
  8. CRM – Choosing Right CRM Technology For Your Church
  9. Multi-Site Church: Tech of Multi-Site
  10. JNCO – Judge None, Choose One

See you next year. Enjoy

Ravers, Deadheads of the 90’s

Ah yes. Raves. Those were fun. You remember? No? Neither do I. It was like that thing that tons of people did, but I just didn’t get it. (Whatever it is.) Maybe it was because of the lack of drugs? I’m definitely sure it also had something to do with my lack of JNCO’s. I do recall all of the ravers were really nice, and didn’t seem to be banging on all cylinders. I guess it makes sense. Continue reading “Ravers, Deadheads of the 90’s”

Being Who You Are

In church planting, it seems, there are continuous talks around what qualities are needed for a church planter. It seems that, for a lot of groups, what these qualities come down to are the difference between extroversion and introversion. There are other qualities that are discussed such as spiritual life, personal\family health, etc. While those are always deemed most important in the qualities needed, they seem to go away quickly as if they are simply the barrier to entry in consideration. The thing that I’ve found takes up the majority of the conversation is Continue reading “Being Who You Are”