Mustering through my heretical thoughts

Originally Posted: Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Mood: hungry
Now Playing: silence
Topic: the character of God

So, this is my first post. I decided to be a nonconformist and refused to create one of these. However, as time passed I began to see the good of having a blog in order to update people, dialog through thoughts, and share your general outlook on life. I don’t know if any good will come out of it yet but I hope so. Continue reading “Mustering through my heretical thoughts”

Happy New Year!

One more day till the new year. Turns out 2012 wasn’t the end of the world. So, on that theme, I thought I’d start this next year with a question for you. What would you do if you had one day left to live? It’s a new year, you have a world to change, what will you do? How will you make every day count?

Happy New Year all!!!

Newtown, the Christmas story, and Bethlehem’s Sons

I was planning on publishing some goofy thing on Conversatio Morum for Christmas. Similar to what happened on Thanksgiving. However, as I started reading the Christmas account from Matthew 2 this year, any goofy post I had thought of fell by the wayside. I was taken into the story in a new way. There was a part that I had simply accepted and never meditated on, or ignored. Until yesterday. Continue reading “Newtown, the Christmas story, and Bethlehem’s Sons”

Don’t Complain To Me

Hey folks, I was going to post something on Technology and Theology, but I’m taking a break for this week from the web strategy series to address something more specific to mission and theology. We’ll, hopefully, jump back to the series with web strategy next week.

Every church has them, they’re noisy, loud, make a mess, and generally just have to be watched all the time. No, I’m not talking about babies although these things are true for them too. (I mean, have you seen what a 6 month old can do while left alone? It’s amazing the amount of destructive energy they have. Now if only we could harness that for good…….ok that’s a rabbit trail for another day.) What I’m actually talking about is Continue reading “Don’t Complain To Me”

Thanksgiving (or Turkey Bacon?)

At Conversatio Morum we normally talk about church, missiology, theology, and technology. However, there’s this rule that since it’s thanksgiving, and this is a “christian” blog, that you’re now supposed to tell everyone what you’re thankful for in social media and on your blog. Yeah I know, cause thanksgiving was a holiday started by Jesus and not Pilgrims 🙂 .
(Relax, I agree that we ought to be thankful as Christians, since we have the most to be thankful for…seesh. Now that I’ve said that, stop with the emails already.)

OK, so here’s the top 5 Continue reading “Thanksgiving (or Turkey Bacon?)”

Jimmy Seibert – God is on the Move

Matthew 13:16-17

  1. We are getting closer and closer to Jesus return
  2. God is on the move.

The kind of people God uses to change the world:

  1. Have decided Jesus is worthy of their lives no matter what
    1. Revelation 5:1-5, 9-10
    2. There is no one else like Jesus
    3. No one other than Jesus is worthy
    4. Because Jesus is worthy, He is worth our lives
      1. When Jesus is central all things are possible.
      2. When the glory of God is central, all things become secondary.
    5. We have the answer to the world’s problems because we have Jesus.
      1. The foreign aid workers who stay longer than 6 months to a year are Christians. When we have Jesus there is a compassion outside of ourselves to draw from that compels us.
      2. Moravians sent missionaries and inspired movements because of the presence and working of Jesus.
  2. Heaven is their home.
    1. We have to quit treating this life as if it were our home.
    2. Heaven is my objective.
  3. They understand that the church is God’s plan A.
    1. The church is God’s plan A to show His glory.
    2. 1 Peter 2:9-10

Story of Middle East team’s Church Planting Movement. -> Genesis 3:6 Released the shame that was over the muslim women and they exclaimed “It’s no just our fault.”

Who wants to waste their lives watching other people live theirs on TV?

Colossians 1:27; Psalms 2:8

Paul Richardson – Jesus is Worth Everything

Think back to the hardest thing you’ve ever gone through where you got more Jesus afterwards, because of it.
Would you do it again?

The iPhone has a specific design for a specific purpose.
We as people are designed to:
-Be filled with the Holy Spirit
-Hear the voice of God
-Take challenges from His leading
-Bring hope to the hopeless
-Live courageously
-Rescue the lost and dying

What makes you feel most alive?

American society has 2 core values:
1. Comfort
2. Safety
^God calls us to something radically different than these.

Matthew 11:1-12

John was 1 day preaching to 1000’s, then the next day he was in prison. Jesus response to him was one that said, “John, I am worth it.”

Is Jesus worth everything to you?
Will you trust Him?

Rod Plummer – When the Earthquake Comes

Matthew 27:54; Acts 16:25-34

1. You gotta learn how to sing before the earthquake arrives.
A. Earthquakes happen
B. We are to respond differently in tough situations.
C. Church is rehearsal for the rest of the week.
D. Enter courts with thanksgiving and. One with something to bless others. Psalm 100:4

2. Get ready. When the earthquake comes the prison doors are going to fly open.

3. Everyone’s chains will fall off.
A. Our presence creates an atmosphere for other’s chains to fall off.

4. This is not a time for running, but a time for staying.

I feel exactly the same there as I do here, filled with the spirit of God.”


5. Salvation is promised to come to households.

6. All filled with joy that they could see the testimony of God.