Automate the Intern Tasks

I’m running an experiment this year. Anytime there is something that is simple and might be delegated, I see if it can be automated by tech instead of given to an intern.

I’ve been hesitant to do this over the past year due to a value for developing others, so i’m also looking for new ways to intro others into a career that involved more valuable and less busy work.

My start on it was a report I get daily. We’re in the O365 platform so I used Power Automate to
1. drop the pdf to Sharepoint
2. archive the email
3. when a new pdf shows up use a trained ai model to pull data
4. add the data to an excel doc

It’s a daily 5 minute task that won’t have to be repeated by anyone ever again. The way I figure it I’m saving about $140 per month on that one task.