Here at Conversatio Morum we’ve been talking about the Multi-Site model of church. Today I want to drill down a bit on when you should move from a single campus to the multi-site model. The hope here is to help church’s that are considering going that route while also giving a push to the realization that this model isn’t for everyone, all the time. So here are some points about when you know it’s the right time. Continue reading “Multi-Site Church: When to Multi-Site”
Multi-Site Church: bigger and bigger to go smaller and smaller
Here at Conversatio Morum we’ve been talking about the Multi-Site model of church. One of the key things, when dealing with church growth is that once you pass 120 you’ve effectively moved past the point at which everyone in a room can know everyone else. This has become one of the milestones that “successful” churches must pass when planting. It’s the point that rules regarding economies of scale begin to come into effect. However, once you hit this point in growth, how do you maintain the ability to develop community involvement and keep people in real, life changing, intentional, relationships with each other? Continue reading “Multi-Site Church: bigger and bigger to go smaller and smaller”
Multi-Site Church: Economies Of Scale
Currently at Conversatio Morum we’re covering the Multi-Site model of church. This is a model with which I’m familiar and I find myself doing significant reading on. While reading something from Mark Batterson there was a reference to one advantage for this model being an Economy of Scale. Economies of Scale is a business term used to describe the point at which the growth of an organization has made it the most efficient. In terms of church, this is an interesting application when you put this in a multi-site church context. Continue reading “Multi-Site Church: Economies Of Scale”
Multi-Site Church: A Strategy for Church Planting
At Conversatio Morum, we like statistics. Mainly because the numbers from them can help us see, in a general sense, where the culture is at and where it’s going. Knowing this is the case, they are also helpful when starting out as a church planter. The rule at this point is that a new church plant has a 68% success rate. This is actually encouraging, considering the previous trend was a 20% success rate. As a church planter, knowing the challenges and struggles inherent with starting something new, these statistics don’t surprise me. Continue reading “Multi-Site Church: A Strategy for Church Planting”
Multi-Site Church: Intrapreneurship or Campus Pastors
We’re starting a new series at Conversatio Morum on Multi-Site Church. I find this to be an intriguing model of church. Especially when looking at factors for church planting such as scalability, urbanization, entrepreneurship, etc Continue reading “Multi-Site Church: Intrapreneurship or Campus Pastors”
Church Web Strategy – Part 5
OK, so this is the final installment in our Church Web Strategy Series for now. Obviously, with the fast paced advancement of technology, in a year of two this will need to be appended but these 5 posts are intended to be a good primer to get you started. If you’d like to view them all together you can do that here. These are some lessons we’ve learned regarding using social media over the last few years. Continue reading “Church Web Strategy – Part 5”
Church Web Strategy – Part 4
This is the 4th post on Church Web Strategy here at Conversatio Morum. When it comes to Missiology, technology (specifically web technology) is one of your biggest assets. If you aren’t sure where to start you can read the previous 3 posts here, here, and here.
This post is dedicated to social media. Social Media is a great way to increase traffic to your site and to increase your page rank. This can also increase visibility of your church through means apart from your web site. The four we are going to examine today are Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouVersion. Continue reading “Church Web Strategy – Part 4”
Don’t Complain To Me
Hey folks, I was going to post something on Technology and Theology, but I’m taking a break for this week from the web strategy series to address something more specific to mission and theology. We’ll, hopefully, jump back to the series with web strategy next week.
Every church has them, they’re noisy, loud, make a mess, and generally just have to be watched all the time. No, I’m not talking about babies although these things are true for them too. (I mean, have you seen what a 6 month old can do while left alone? It’s amazing the amount of destructive energy they have. Now if only we could harness that for good…….ok that’s a rabbit trail for another day.) What I’m actually talking about is Continue reading “Don’t Complain To Me”
Church Web Strategy – Part 3
This is the third in a series of posts on church web strategy. You can find the previous posts here and here. You will also want to check out the guest post by Bryan Logan here. This post is dedicated more to the actual implementation and less to the why behind the implementation.
There are tons of options for how to set up a church site out there. At the church where i’m on staff, we have Continue reading “Church Web Strategy – Part 3”
Church Web Strategy – Part 2
This is our next post on web strategy at Conversatio Morum. The main thing I want to conquer today is that you don’t start with the web. Look at your church’s overall communication strategy. If it’s like that of Paper City Church then you may want to adjust it. 🙂 However, the goal of your website should always be Continue reading “Church Web Strategy – Part 2”