Learning to Love God in Everything

Originally Posted: Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Now Playing: silence
Topic: Living in the Epic Story

Currently Reading
Victory over the Darkness
By Neil T. Anderson
see related

So, I’m back. After a long stint away from things. I have finally returned. As I have been refreshed. So, as I finalize my trip to Mexico I have been thinking about the first weekend there. Culture shock will be a major part of what happens when I get there. I arrive at the airport, am picked up by my host family, and don’t see any Americans for the next two days. What an amazing thing it is to go to a place where you are not known. I’m not sure if it is good or bad. Definitely hard. Unlike most trips out of the country, that are done in community, there will be no community for the first two days at least. I could totally go off and do something crazy. God, please no. Or I could rely on God and allow Him to be the center of my life so much more. Please, yes. I pray that this will be a way that I learn to love God so much more, in a way that I couldn’t in any other situation.

Why this fear? Why is there this wanting to be in the familiar? For me I believe it is the wanting to be known. Why is Xanga here? We all want to be known. We all want a little bit of our story to be known by others. We are all screaming for attention. We don’t allow God to give us the attention that we need we look to others. I do it to, I do it the most. It’s not bad to want relationships, we all do and we all need them. It’s bad to put our relationships over God as if they will satisfy. How often have we given up much-needed time with God to meet with people because we felt we were responsible to meet with them. However, if we haven’t spent time with God, than us meeting with people just gives them us and not God; it hurts others. We are on an eternal stage playing out our parts before our maker that He has written for us. We must learn to let Him be our audience and not everyone else, and even more than that we must receive His grace and realize that our Daddy is already pleased with us. Remember, we are loved by Him already and that makes us love Him to want to please Him.

Maybe the language and cultural barriers are a good way for me to rely on God to be known. Guys and Girls, I hope that through this summer, when we are all separated in different places, that we will learn to let God give us attention, regardless of others. I pray that for all of you who God has given me to walk with. Till next time. Later dayz.