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- If your dreams for your future do not require courage, then I seriously doubt your dreams are from God.
- Where do you get courage?
- Life requires facing risk and overcoming fear.
- Paul mountain bikes in Java and chickens always run on front of him when he rides through villages.
- Why did the chicken cross the road?
- Chickens can only run one direction they’re facing.
- The same is true for our lives
- Our hearts lean in a specific direction everyday. When something happens that startles us, or rocks our world, then we’ll run in that direction.
- Living life with God requires you to live a life that leans into risk.
- Jeremiah 1:5-10
- God designed you. He knows you best, and has a purpose for you that is wholly satisfying.
- Joshua 1:1-6
- God tells Joshua do not fear, over and over.
- He also tells Him how much He’s going to give Joshua.
- God gives Joshua a bigger vision and dream so that he’ll great his eyes off of himself.
- Fear is rooted in a focus on self.
- 2 Kings 6
- John 10
- For Paul’s dad, there was a continual yes to God.
- That yes lead to their discovery of the peace child, which opened the door for a whole people group to know Jesus.
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