Originally Posted: Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Currently Reading
The Genesee Diary
see related
So….it comes. The winter. Time is useless now. Un-productivness has kicked in. My hair is longer now. I am almost a year older from when this started, almost a year ago. I am without people to confide in. There is the time of deadness. The time of killing off. The time for things to die. I don´t have a cell phone. Nothing is to important enough to need it. I am not important enough to need one. I can´t place importance on myself. Value…yes. Importance…no. Poverty is everywhere.
What do I do when little kids come up to me trying to sell me cigarettes for money? I feel bad that all I can do is buy them a little food and that is it. I can´t fix it. I hate it. The desperateness that they have. That I have. We all are so desperate. I need Him. He can fix it. I can´t. It hurts. I am unimportant. I can´t do it. But I am valued, and He can.
God help to show them You. I can´t do it.