Catalyst Dallas: Kirk Franklin – Story Matters

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  1. Spent time at Tony Evans house.
    1. He learned about kingdom life from watching Tony live life.
  2. His son ran the 4×400 relay and the kid before his son dropped the batton.
    1. The 4×400 relay is all about the handoff
    2. If you have a bad handoff, then you have to work harder to catch up.
    3. Alot of times we train on the wrong track.
    4. His son’s response was to reposition himself, in order to get back into the race.
  3. Who do you mirror your life after?
    1. (speaking about God the Father) “The more I learn about my Father, the more I have something to model.” -Kirk Franklin
    2. When Kirk felt like no one noticed him in the industry at the American Music Awards he spoke to God about it. He felt like God gave him a glimpse of what it feels like to be God in our culture.
    3. The Village Inn video shows Michael Jackson perfectly following the director so that the steps light up.
      1. Every step will light up, because our steps have been planned out, if we follow the instructions of the Director.