How redlined are you?
Empty space is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Some call it shower time, I think in terms of social gears where this is gear 1. It’s a big deal. It’s in those moments that your brain is able to cycle out and solve some deeper work problems that otherwise wouldn’t be solved by thinking harder about the problem.
Most of us get in a rut, not when we have too little to do, but too much to do. What about life being too full is a bad thing? Think of it like an engine (sorry Tesla fans). The gas isn’t actually what makes the car go. Combustion is what makes the car go. Combustion is the combination of several things. Sure gas is required, but so is oxygen. It’s actually the empty space that makes the engine fire.
Problems to Solve + Empty space = Brilliant Breakthroughs.
It sounds too simple to work, and it simply does. Proven, over and over.
Practicals though: For me, i’m in an extremely full season so it’s difficult to create that kind of space. I’m sure many of you can relate to that. On a ground level in a busy season this is done by two activities. Long runs and a daily creation of the bullet list wherein I must prioritize my daily activities. I’ve found that one gives space for deep thought and the other gives clarity of priorities that move problems closer to solutions.
What about you? What are your activities that help you solve deeper problems and be thoughtful?